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eMail White List Instructions
Make sure you receive your eWallet Email
Increasingly, Internet Service Providers (ISP) are using filtering systems to try
and keep spam out of customers' inboxes. Sometimes, they accidentally filter the
email that you want to receive. In many cases you are not notified (and neither
are we) that eWallet email didn't get through.
To make sure that eWallet emails are not filtered into your "junk" or "bulk" folder,
please add eWallet to your list of trusted senders. Follow the directions below.
Please whitelist us now, before your delivery is interrupted.
For AOL version 9.0 or higher:
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If you're using AOL, you can ensure that your eWallet emails are delivered to your
inbox by setting your mail controls. Here's how:
- Click on Mail Center
- Under Mail Preferences click Customize your e-mail and click Next
- Under Essentials click on Spam Controls and click Next
- On the right panel, turn on Mail filtered by AOL's Advanced Spam Filter
(checkmark appears)
- Underneath, turn off Mail with clickable Hyperlinks (URLS) and
Mail containing words and phrases on my Custom Word List (no checkmarks).
- On the left panel, make sure that Block mail containing pictures or files
is turned off (no checkmark) - we often include images in our emails.
- On the left panel select either:
- Option 1: 'Allow mail from all senders' (allows ALL email) or
- Option 2: 'Use a Custom Sender list' (allows selective email)
- Note: other options are too selective to allow email from us, and almost anyone
else who might send you email.
If you select Option 1 above: 'Allow mail from all senders', you're done.
Thank you for white-listing eWallet.
If you select Option 2 above: 'Use a Custom Sender list'
Follow these instructions to add email from eWallet:
- Click on the blue link: Custom Sender List
- Select the second option Allow only the domains and senders listed below
- In the space provided, enter globalewallet.com and click Add
- Click Save (on the Custom Sender List screen)
- Click Save to Apply these Mail Controls (on the Mail and Spam Controls screen)
- Close any remaining open windows.
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
For AOL version 7.0, or 8.0:
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- Click on the Mail Menu in the Menu Bar
- Click on Mail Controls
- Click on Next
- Select Customize Mail Controls for this Screen Name, and click Next
- Select Option 1 or 2 below:
- Option 1: Select Allow e-mail from all AOL members, e-mail addresses,
and domains. (allows ALL email) or
- Option 2: Select Allow e-mail from all AOL members, and from the listed
domains and e-mail addresses. Block e-mail from all others.' (allows selective
If you select Option 1 above: 'Allow mail from all senders', you're done.
Thank you for white-listing eWallet.
If you select Option 2 above: 'Allow e-mail from all AOL members, and from
the listed domains and e-mail addresses. Block e-mail from all others.'
Follow these instructions to allow email from eWallet:
- In the space provided, enter globalewallet.com and Click Add
- Click Next
- Select Allow this Screen Name to send and receive mail with pictures and files.
- Click Save to Apply these Mail Controls.
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
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Earthlink users can whitelist eWallet emails through TotalAccess MailBox (Windows)
or with WebMail (Windows or Mac platforms).
Here's how:
Using TotalAccess Mailbox (Windows):
- Open TotalAccess and choose the Mailbox
- Click on the Address Button.
- From the File Menu, choose New Company (Domain)
- In the space provided, enter globalewallet.com and Click Add
- Click Ok
- From the File Menu choose New Contact
- In the space provided, enter eWallet as the name and valentusglobal@globalewallet.com as the
email address: then click Add
- Click OK to add our contact name information.
Also - please make sure that we are not in your Blocked Sender List!
- Click the Protection button in the TotalAccess Task Panel, select spamBlocker,
and choose Settings.
- Click the Edit Blocked Sender List button.
- Look through the list, and Click on any address that is from globalewallet.com (particularly
- Click the Unblock Sender button to unblock this address
- Repeat the steps above. (click on an address, and then the Unblock Sender
button) for any eWallet addresses.
- Click the Apply Changes button.
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
Using Web Mail (Macintosh or Windows Online):
- Sign in to Web Mail
- Click Address Book
- Click the All Categories pull-down menu and choose Companies (Domains)
- Click the Add button
- In the space provided, enter globalewallet.com
- Click Allow This Company (Domain) button
- Click the All Categories pull-down menu and choose Contact.
- Click the Add button.
- In the space provided, enter eWallet as the name and valentusglobal@globalewallet.com
as the email address: then click Add
- Click Save Button
Also - please make sure that we are not in your Blocked Sender List!
- Click the spamBlocker in the left menu pane, below your Inbox and other mail
- In the list of tabs along the top part of the screen,click on Settings
- Click on Blocked Sender List (in the lower right part of the screen)
- Look through the list, and Click on any address that is from globalewallet.com
- Click the Unblock Sender button to unblock this address
- Repeat the steps above. (click on an address, and then the Unblock Sender
button) for any eWallet addresses.
- Click Save Button (lower right part of screen)
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
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You can instruct Yahoo to whitelist your eWallet email. Here's how:
- Open your Yahoo mailbox.
- Click Options (usually Upper Right Corner)
- Click Filters (Middle Column)
- Click Add Filter
- In the filter name box, type eWallet
- In the top row, labeled From header, make sure contains is selected
in the pull-down menu.
- Click in the text box next to that pull-down menu, enter valentusglobal@globalewallet.com
- At the bottom, where it says Move the message to:, select Inbox from
the pull-down menu.
- Click the Add Filter button again.
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
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If you are using Hotmail, you can ensure that your eWallet emails are delivered
to your Inbox by adding our "From" address to your Safe List. Here's how:
- Click the Options link (upper right of screen).
- Click on the Mail link (left column)
- Click on Junk E-Mail Protection (first link).
- Click on Junk E-Mail Filter (first link).
- From the selection list,choose Enhanced, then click OK.
- Click on Safe List. (the fifth link down from top)
- In the space Type an address or domain:, enter globalewallet.com
- Click the Add button.
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
McAfee spamkiller
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spamkiller works along with Outlook, Outlook Express, Outlook 98, MSN/Hotmail, and
POP3 accounts. To make sure your eWallet email passes through, you need to add us
to your Personal Friends list, or Global Friends List. Here's how:
- Click the Friends tab
- Click Email Address or Domains tabs as indicated below to add us to
your list
- Click Email Address tab
- Click the Down Arrow to view your Personal Friends List
- Choose Add A Friend (right side)
- In the Address box, enter: valentusglobal@globalewallet.com. You can name it eWallet and choose
Single e-mail address as the type. Then, click Add.
- Click on the Domains tab.
- In the Address box, enter globalewallet.com , and name it eWalletDomain. Choose
all users at domain as the type, and Click Add
- Click Save
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
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If you are using MSN, you can ensure that your eWallet emails are delivered to your
Inbox by adding our "From" addresses to your Safe List. Here's how:
- Click Help & Settings
- Click Email Settings
- Click on Safe List
- In the space provided Add an item to this list, enter globalewallet.com
- Click the Add button
- In the space Type a single e-mail address (or domain):, enter valentusglobal@globalewallet.com
- Click Add
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
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If you're using NetZero, you can ensure that your eWallet emails are delivered to
your Inbox by setting your Junk Mail Filtering Preferences. Here's how:
- Log in to your NetZero Web Mail account.
- Click on Options (along the second row down, next to Address Book).
- Click on Safe List (in far right column, the third option down under Filtering).
- In the space provided, Add Address to Safe List, enter valentusglobal@globalewallet.com,
then click Add
- Click the Save button (bottom right of screen) to Apply these Mail Options.
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
Norton AntiSpam
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AntiSpam works along with Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape and Yahoo (POP3), MSN/Hotmail
to block many kinds of emails before it arrives in your inbox. To make sure your
eWallet emails pass through, you need to add us to your Personal Friends list, or
Global Friends List. Here's how:
- Start up Norton AntiSpam, Click the Status & Settings tab
- Click AntiSpam (middle of the screen).
- Click Yellow Configure Button (bottom right of screen).
- Click Allowed List tab (the 2nd Tab on the list of tabs).
- Click the Add button (lower left).
- In the Email Address box, enter valentusglobal@globalewallet.com . (Use eWallet
in the Name field)
- Click OK (bottom of screen).
Thank you for whitelisting eWallet.
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Many popular email programs do not provide a convenient way for you to whitelist
the folks you want to receive email from. If you aren't getting your eWallet emails
or want to make sure you continue to receive your email in the future, you can do
something about it.
Further instructions on Making Sure You Get Your Email
Contact the customer service people or the Postmaster at the company that provides
your email or Internet connection (your ISP). Explain to them that you want to receive
eWallet emails. Ask them if they can whitelist eWallet. They'll probably ask you
for some information about us. Here's what to tell them:
Sending Address: If they ask for our address, tell them valentusglobal@globalewallet.com
Domain: If they need to know the domain, tell them globalewallet.com
Above all, the most important (and simple!) thing you can do is to
add the above domain and sending address to your email's address book!
Thank you!